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** Unemployment Insurance Agency is abbreviated throughout this form as UIA. Instructions for Power of Attorney (Form 151) Complete and file a Power of Attorney (Form 151) if you wish to appoint an individual, firm, or organization as your representative in tax or debt matters before the State of Michigan. Executing and filing this POA does not revoke any other POA, including a POA executed under the General Obligations Law, for matters not listed on this POA. If there is an POA-1-I (9/10) Page 2 of 2 POA-1-I (9/10) existing POA filed with an agency that you do not want revoked, attach a signed and dated copy of each POA you want to remain in SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR REGISTRATION OF CoR39 and CoR21 I, the undersigned SHANFENG LU being desirous of being removed as director of: PRETTYLITTLE BUSINESS ENTERPRISES (PTY) LTD REGISTRATION NO: 2015/191569/07 do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint: YA-PING LEE, BARTHO VAN TONDER with full power of substitution, to be my agent and in my name, place and stead: To deliver to the 免费下载文档. POA委托模板.doc; POA委托模板.pdf; POA委托模板.txt; 扫码查看 . 2018 HaoWenWang.COM 京ICP备16041813号-2 SAMPLE POWER OF ATTORNEY I, [list name of person giving power of attorney], of [list address of principal], do hereby make and appoint [list name of person receiving power of attorney], of [list address of agent], my true and lawful attorney, to act in my name and place, and for my use and benefit: To sell and convey any and all interest that I may have or hereafter acquire in and to the
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